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Complete Stronger Than Hope by Alaunatar - M

Discussion in 'General Fics' started by Styx, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Styx

    Styx Third Year

    Aug 20, 2006
    The Underworld
    Title: Stronger Than Hope
    Author: Alaunatar
    Rating: M (suicide attempt)
    Genre: Angst/Drama
    DLP Category: Dark/Indy.
    Chapters: 50
    Words: 164,882
    Updated: April 3, 2007
    Published: February 11, 2007
    Status: Complete

    Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3389525/1/
    Summary: AU after OotP, a few HBP details. An obsessed, grieving Harry has decided on a dangerous way to defeat Voldemort. Snape is paying closer attention than before, but his contempt for Harry blinds him. Eventual Snape as Harry’s guardian story.

    Got it from IP8`s Profile at FF.net. As it semes he is going to keep hes promise to not post any recs anymore.

    Lots of mind games that any writer could learn from. Ends up with Snape mentoring Harry, but at least hes still the same bastard. The Angst may be a problem, but well... Try it anyway gets better after Harry gets rid of hes obsession with Siriouses(sp?) death.

    Dark/Indy-Snape whants him to be Dark but Harry strives for independence

    Satisfaction not guarantied!

    Checked by Minion, March 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2013
  2. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    Yeah, I've been following this from the start. It's one of my favourite fics ATM; Not that the subject is something I'd normally enjoy, but smart & independent Harry, daily updates (each morning) and high-quality writing help a lot. All in all, this is basically how a mentor!Snape fic should look like.
  3. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    Yeah I follow this story closely and wait eagerly for updates. A great Snape, Harry and Scrimgeour characterization, not so good for Hermione and Ron. It's very enjoyable fic and I recomend it to anyone although the summary is frightening.
  4. ikaina

    ikaina First Year

    Jun 10, 2006
    It's one of the stories I'm currently reading as it's well written and the update rate is fantastic - one chapter per day. I like characterization of Rufus – it's really thought out and beautifully written.
    What I don't like is Snape – especially in a first part of the story, he is such a sick bastard :/(but then he is also sick bastard in canon).

    As for Harry I really do like him in this, he actually has a mind on his own and uses it. I loved the way in which he manipulated Dumbledore and the fact that he was able to overcome the suggestion potion and generally the fact that he is intelligent (even though, his reasons for suicide were idiotic).

    4/5 - because I find reading about Snape repulsive, and as far as I'm concerned any story where Snape has a major role and huge influence on Harry can't be 5/5 (on principle)
  5. Kari Black

    Kari Black DA Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    12 Grimauld Place, London
    Yeah, I've been following this one for some time as well. Mostly for the reasons already mentioned above, and also because Harry doesn't make a complete 180 personality change in two chapters in this one. It's a bit more more gradual than that (as it should be). It annoys the fuck out of me when at the start of the story Harry is the snivelling wimp that is cannon Harry, and one chapter later he's this totally awsome, suave Harry. This fic isn't like that. 4/5
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2007
  6. ulkser

    ulkser Groundskeeper

    May 2, 2005
    the change in harry's character handled very well and the writing style is good. However, i think there are some ignored parts in the story. i mean how come Albus a highly skilled mage in mind arts can't sense siren songs and moody a highky paranoid auror not knowing occulemens and not being suspicious about Harry's physical states.

    these questions take off the point. 4/5
  7. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    This story has a fascinating plot line and nearly unreasonably good update frequency - it also has includes some very fun elements, an actual logically thinking Harry trying to figure out how to destroy Voldemort. Snape is also characterized very well, keeping wholly in character as even when helping Harry, he is always looking out for his own best interests.


  8. Hadoren

    Hadoren High Inquisitor

    Aug 21, 2006
    I avoided this fic until recently because of the Snape mentor thing. But upon seeing everyone's favorable recommendations, I decided to take a look.

    First, the writing style is very effective. It automatically draws the reader in, and I was completely hooked by the 3rd chapter. There were no grammar or spelling mistakes. Throughout the story, it rotates between the POVs of Harry and Snape. It's somewhat like the story Only Enemies by Leave This World in that everybody has a goal and is hell-bent on achieving it.

    Also I loved how manipulative Harry was in the beginning; he had one sole plan, and he nearly successfully manipulated everybody around him to achieve it. I loved the Harry-Snape interaction, where Harry played Snape like a puppet - he insults Snape, Snape explodes with anger, and Snape despises him so much that he takes Harry's act on face value: just as Harry wishes.

    Don't worry about the mentor part; it only happens 25 chapters into the story. In fact, the majority of the story is Harry fooling around and successfully fighting off Snape's attempts to overcome him in any possible way. And he does a very good job at it. The characterization of Snape is very nicely done; he remains completely faithful to canon for a long period of time. When he begins to respect Harry, you feel that the development of his character has been sufficient so as to make this very realistic. In fact, I'd say that this story has the best Harry-Snape interaction I've ever read. It's even ahead of the classic In Blood Only by E.M. Snape.

    Most of the plot of the 1st half of the story is Harry trying to prepare for his suicidal plan, and it's very entertaining to watch him do this. I was going through the story in a rush through these chapters, and the climax, where Harry tries to execute his plan, is heart-pounding.

    In conclusion, the first half of the story, which lasts 25 chapters, is outstanding.

    Unfortunately, after here the story begins to go downhill. It seems that the author lost his muse and didn't know quite what to do after his main plot point - Harry's attempted suicide - was resolved.

    In addition, the Snape mentor thing starts to take off. Since I personally detest anything like this, it hurt my view on how good the story was. And while it's realistic and well-written, I liked it much better when Snape and Harry were bitter enemies in conflict, not allies. In fact, a large part of the mentoring is where Snape attempts to convince Harry that being dark is good. While alright at first, this quickly gets repetitive and boring. Moreover, the fact that the "dark is good" thing is engineered purely so that Snape can manipulate Harry unto his own ends puts a further distaste into my mouth.

    Another major complaint I have is that Harry spends all his time in Snape's house doing nothing but interacting with him. I would've liked him to go communicate with some other people. It's definately possible within the confines of the story, since he can send letters or use dreams.

    But the author gets kudos for attempting to create a new, innovative system of magic unseen in fanfiction until now. It revolves primarily around the power of the Mind Magics and their use to destroy people. Legilimency is heavily developed, and Harry becomes a master Legilimancer who can rip other minds to shreds; he does this with Bellatrix.

    Unfortunately, the author uses a Deus ex Machina one too many times in developing this power, namely the attack of Voldemort. The problem is that first the author mentions that Harry has a problem with a particular aspect of the mind arts. Then, several sentences later, Voldemort attacks and Harry solves the problem. It seems far too much like a cheap cop-out. He first uses it to renew Harry's ability in Occulmency when Harry is attacked. And then, a mere few chapters later, he uses it to develop Harry's ability in offensive Legilimency when Voldemort attacks Snape.

    Also the author seems to be lagging during the end of the story. I was expecting somewhat of a grand epic, where Harry uses his newfound mind powers to fight a number of battles with the Death Eaters. Instead, Voldemort is (presumably) defeated after just one fight with Bellatrix. To me, it seems that the author is lacking inspiration and simply wants to quickly end the story. Moreover, there is no grand buildup as happened previously with Harry's plot to kill himself. The author says that Dumbledore's looking for Snape's hideout, but he fails to give any sense of urgency or danger.

    In conclusion, my rating of this story is:

    The beginning = 5/5

    After that = 4/5 (it would've been 3.5/5 but for the author's unprecedented creation of a new field of Mind Art fanfiction)
  9. DreamRed

    DreamRed Seventh Year

    Apr 14, 2006
    Well damn this is good. I was intially put off the by the Snape mentor thing as well, but it's really worth getting past. The author's got a very decent writing style and plot, although I've only read up to Harry's Christmas Eve fun. 5/5
  10. Teal_Thanatos

    Teal_Thanatos First Year

    Apr 21, 2006
    I'm at chapter 11 right now, and I'm really not sure that I'm going to continue.

    Has anyone else thought that Voldemort might just be... immune to what harry's planning? I mean, he's split his soul.. and each part of his soul that's split has a complete mind of its own... Basically, another horcrux activates, Voldemort is resseructed, and... Harry would be dead. Cause he poisoned himself.

    I'll do a proper review if I can manage to get through further, nut for now..
    2/5. I'd drop it down to 1 if it wasn't for the good writing.
  11. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    "Not HBP compliant" jumped into your mind even once?

    Chapter 42 is up. The story is about to end I guess in the next chapter or two. Not very surprising but there is a cliffhnger in the end..
  12. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    No, as far as I understood, there'll be several more chapters; Probably about Harry trying not to become a sociopath.

    It's really amazing, the way Alaunatar managed to keep up the plot's continuity and tempo, while posting every goddamn day. If there are fanfiction awards next year, there's no doubt who'll get "the best new author award". I just hope he/she doesn't disappear once this story is done.
  13. Evil Shnitzel

    Evil Shnitzel High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    Actually I think that he wrote something before but posted it elsewhere or under a different name... Anyway I'm sure he has a lot of free time to wirite so many in s o little time...
  14. Roborant

    Roborant Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2007
    Red Light District
    Just read it and i must say im quite impressed,

    I did'nt really like the mentor Snape thing at the begining, but after reading and getting past the automatic dislike i thought he was one of the most brilliant Snape's ive ever read.

    Although the suicide attempt is usually done by fangirls, i have been abit iffy. However the way the author has used this as a fully functioning plot has twisted my nipples in a nice way.

    Overall 4.6/5
    0.4 off just because of Snape
  15. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    Well I didn't let my bias toward a character stop me from enjoying this. The characterization is just magnificent and breathtaking. To me at least, and I judge Characterization above all else.

    The discription was well done, as was the rest of the story.

  16. DreamWeave

    DreamWeave First Year

    Oct 27, 2006
    Excellent story, love the character development - though I agree with Roborant, mentor! Snape is just annoying to me. 4.8/5 since I have to put up with the greasy bastard :)
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I really don't share the great dislike of Snape that you guys have (being that Ron is the only character I truely hate, bloody sidekicks, reminds me of Robin too much), though he is portrayed really badly in a lot of fics. This one has made Snape into the character I invision in my mind when I think of him, cunning, cruel and manipulative to a tee, not to mention an expert of the mind arts and overall nasty bastard.

    Its one of the few times I've actually enjoyed an attempted suicide fic and the way Harry played everyone was executed with such skill and tension building style that I was awake half the night just waiting to find out what happened. Add in the fact that he didn't fool everyone perfectly, like Ron and Snape, gave it just that touch of realism and noir-style mystery that I actually liked Ron's character. He wasn't the stupid Gryffindor that canon made him, but he wasn't so unlike it that he seemed an alien in a wizard's body.

    Harry's tutelage in the mind arts is one of the most realistic training plot lines I've ever read. Harry had withdrawn from his friends, practically severing any ties with them before he tried to kill himself, so the lack of correspondance doesn't seem too strange. As well as the determination and drive to succeed that blinded him to all else, it just gave the story a sense of drama and atmosphere that kept me reading for hours on end. And, contrary to Belhedorhan's opinion, I think the Dark Lord's interference and attempted legilimency attacks added quite well to the story, giving Harry the inspiration and drive to succeed past his problems, because Harry can do pretty much anything :p.

    The end battle sequence had my heart racing, literally. It drew me in and hooked me so badly I actually felt intense annoyance and possibly hatred for Dumbledore for doing something so amazingly stupid! Blinded as he is, he shouldn't be so caught up in his mistakes and arrogance as to risk the life and emotions of the one he supposedly loves so much (Can you tell I got way to far into this story yet?).

    Overall I give it a 5/5. Its the best story I've read in months, and I'm really pissed off that ff.net ain't working and won't let me read bloody, damn chapter 44! :D

  18. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006
    actually i think this is very much in character for dumble, he jumps before he thinks making some half-assed decision for the greater good no matter the price.
    In his mind, fixing Harry would prevent a new Dork Lord, so he tries to make harry forget the traumatic events, hoping that he can live a happier life. He doesn't consider the cost at all.
  19. Stalicon

    Stalicon High Inquisitor

    Dec 3, 2005
    That one place
    If you're wondering FF is working again and the chapter is up finally.
  20. slasheh

    slasheh Seventh Year

    Nov 9, 2006
    what the hell is wrong with FF lately? in the last 3 days stories disappear and then reappear all the time it is quite annoying...
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